Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thoroughbreds Die in Fire Before Racing Day

Photo by: google images. Firefighters work to put out the fire that started in the center of the barn.

Springfield, PA - Arson is suspected in a blaze that killed 13 thoroughbreds at Lincoln Downs Race Track in Springfield, just one day before the start of racing season.

An arson squad has been called to the scene to investigate. “The fire exploded near the center of the barn. Flames were shooting out of the building when we got here. The fire is definitely suspicious,” explained Fire Chief Bernard Perry.

Authorities explained that the fire started in the middle of the barn. The only heaters and electrical outlets were located in the track rooms at the end of the barn.

Two other horses died in the fire, and two were badly burned as they stampeded through the barnyard.

One jockey watched in shock as workers cleared the scene. Visibly upset, he said of the surviving horses, “Those are my best friends. I love horses more than I do people. I want to cry.”

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